Alleged Fraud - Crowdfunding

Graham Phillips regularly states he is an "Independent Journalist" who is solely funded by crowd funding. I believe this to be a cover as he has been outted regularly as working from RT or Zvezda(Russian Military news channel)

I believe he purposefully misleads those who fund him, uses it as cover to receive payment from nefarious people and is crowd funding to take part in and promote terrorism in Eastern Ukraine.

Historically his crowdfunding has been shut down. Initially he began with Paypal payments and then onto some of the bigger crowdfunding sites. All these were closed for terms of services violations. Recently he has found a company #Indiegogo that appear to ignore what he is doing and allow the fundraising to continue. Effectively collecting money for terrorism/propaganda and illegal entry to Ukraine.

The big questions are how does Graham Phillips lead such a lifestyle with a London flat, travel fees and crowdfunders that barely raise several thousand pounds at most? Almost certainly he is still in employment of the Russian government. The BBC are currently carrying out an investigation into his crowdfunding activities.

The foreign office has warned anyone travelling to Eastern Ukraine that assists the efforts there could be committing a crime and will be prosecuted

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